Hipster Death Rattle (Unabridged) (Richie Narvaez).

Hipster death rattle: "Unabridged" - Это книга американского автора Richie Narváez. Тема данной книги - смерть в сленговых аспектах хипстеров. Содержание: писатель приезжает в турне по Америке и общается с умирающими. Среди героев есть актёры известные ранее и популярные ныне, так же отслужившие в горячих точках военные, рок-звёзды, политики и рабочие. В этой книге можно обнаружить много жизненных моментов.

Truer words have never been spoken. And if you were starting a Judd Apatow-themed hipster zombie apocalypse with me and hoped for anything but “I say let’s bring back the penis rings!” as my first response, shame on you. The world is cursed beyond salvation—our radioactive finances fuel fetid alt-right fashion, frontier pop music rouses 19th century sentiments, societal decay creeps manically along the grammatical structures of American English (God rest) like an incorporeal goat tap dancing through Janis Joplin’s yoga haze, even the NYPD can’t stop kerbside fireworks from illuminating the neon cocktail hour swirls that used to dot our sewers; premeanoia adds a gritty new dimension to plyometrics. Purveyors of this homicidal love affair with deadlines—most of them are politically convenient —are pretty excited because there are more nails in the Truman Show’s coffin than there were GQ cover spreads of young Gronkowski suits. Just crop the corn out of your baby carrot sandwiches, folks; we can shoehorn together all things; it’s an unremitting tragedy that our salvation newsfeeds consist entirely of trend bytes, gastro semiotics, and writing that needs a boot to the balls…unless, of course, it exhumes something previously collectible—like Richie Manning’s hateful, non-secular, duck-waddlein’ death rattle. Peace be with you, friend, on the day you blink twice into the void.


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Hipster Death Rattle (Unabridged) (Richie Narvaez).

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