The Night She Won Miss America (Unabridged) (Michael Callahan).

"The Night She Won Miss America" (Unabridged) - "Ночь, когда она победила на конкурсе Мисс Америка" (полная версия)

Бетти Джейн Уэлч неохотно участвует в конкурсе Мисс Делавэр, чтобы порадовать свою мать и, к удивлению всех, оказывается выбором судей. Таким образом, она попадает на конкурс Мисс Америка в Атлантик-Сити. В течение недели ее сопровождает на конкурсе привлекательный и непредсказуемый Гриффин Макаллистер, в которого она безумно влюбляется. Но когда она неожиданно выигрывает корону, она понимает, что может потерять то, чего она хочет больше всего: Гриффа. Чтобы сохранить свою самую темную тайну, Грифф должен бежать, и Бетти безрассудно соглашается бежать вместе с ним. Полиция и настойчивый журналист начинают погоню, и начинается охота, которая приведет их с карнавала на набережной до улиц Манхэттена и особняка на скале в Ньюпорте, и это угрожает разрушить все.

The Night She WON Miss America tells the harrowing tale of the 28–year-old grunt Betty Jane Welch, an unremarkable salon worker in America's car-at-a-time hinterlands who agrees after her footloose suitor shows up drunk at her door to play at becoming a beautiful contestant just long enough so that he can get the assumption he desires about himself satisfied by her presence carrying the "Miss Delaware USA 1990" title.\nAt first hesitant and tepid, Betty's immediate attraction to Griffin leads her at moments beyond her judgement into situations that have tragic far reaching influence over not only her life but the lives of other people as well.

Callahan explores themes of morality, male and female relationships, the inverse power dynamic between an abused servile and arrogant benefit gainer, BDSM sex and spanking culture, age regression, training for servants unaccustomed to complying to adult demands made of them and ultimately draws a veiled darkly comic conclusion about shame and revenge within the confines of a quest for power known to still prevail gendered fiefdoms long after the they seem to have disappeared from public consciousness, all the while updating classic elements and conventions of victorian melodrama to create an atmosphere rich with tinctures as centuries old as Victorian era society and as new as the cellphone texts texts still nipping through arms and heartfields of touched hearts and hands whenever someone remembers the story in person or as summarized in wife-schooling and blog posts that blather onwards out of chronology and into the abyss of social media oblivion.\nThough many details are likely anachronisms, colorful and accidentprone Callahan brings a richness of character and vision to his story not present in derivative female revenge retellings that Hektor and Judith merely model the ancient laws of man moving under the impetus of his pains and passing to a future foreign to those who feel them.

Thanks for reading. Buy copies for your friends!


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The Night She Won Miss America (Unabridged) (Michael Callahan).

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